It’s time to say a few words about the model of Reality in Edward. The first thing to say is there are countless realities. This is not a new idea. What is unusual, if not actually new, is to say that you and I, and all the people around us, are not in the same reality, or at least, not quite – the match is not perfect. What is more, though lots of people know this, each of us, all of us, shift realities all the time – if we didn’t we’d be dead. It’s something of a fashion to ‘bang on’ about the Law of Attraction or Cosmic Ordering, actually there isn’t much new in these either – people have been praying (shifting, or at least hoping to shift, reality) for centuries. One of the problems of shifting reality is we don’t know where we are; possibly we aren’t even in one place. If you’re not quite here, you can’t quite ‘go’ from here to anywhere else. It’s why there’s something of a knack in successful prayer, or Cosmic Ordering, which our unconscious minds have, but our conscious minds do not (unless you’ve achieved a truly exception degree of mastery – in which case, why are you still here?). Have you ever wondered why tales of the Holy Grail are so compelling, and have been for nearly a millennium? For that matter, do you wonder why I make such a point of it here and in Edward? The answer is the Grail is an exception; I cannot tell you it is in all realities, I haven’t been to all realities, but it is in all realities you or I are ever likely to see while we still are alive. The Grail is not the only pan-reality object in existence. The object most important to the plot of Edward is the Sword. It isn’t even the only ‘magical’ sword there is, not even the only one in Sir Thomas Malory’s famous book. The Sword is older than Christ, and to give you a proper explanation of it would take a book of Greek myth; it starts with the transition from the age of Bronze to the age of Iron, and all the cultural shifts which went with that transition. The most prevalent pan-reality objects in Edward are ‘the Marbles’, also known as Druid Glass. These are particularly Celtic, and I do not know if they exist in any reality from which the Celts are absent. In the Roman psyche they were part of what made the Celts such a threat, and the Celts connection with the world of Spirit, they were a legacy from a truly ancient culture, now lost, but at whose monuments we still wonder. Although Celtic Gaul fell to Caesar, the Druids’ Glass kept him from conquering Britain, and kept his successors out for a hundred years. In Edward there are other pan-reality objects, but I will just mention one, the Box. The Box is made of cedar, and the origins of its use are Egyptian, even before the Old Kingdom, back to the Age of Horus. Its use was for one purpose, cedar is "lighter than Time” – another way of saying it can transcend realities. There are those who may be unhappy I reveal such things, but these are special times which call for special measures, besides, it’s the ‘old ways’ which brought us to where we are. There is a question in Edward about reincarnation, it’s a question I leave to readers; but it is not a question I can leave entirely. In the website, Mike Voyce – on Reincarnation, Spirit and Reality, and in the Blogtalkradio shows archived there, I take matters further. There is also a page which identifies the cause and nature of Reality. Here, on this page, I go beyond, at least, the limits of a single reality, to offer you a door to the greatest meanings which can be discovered in my little book. Christine Voyce, who you can hear on Blogtalkradio, has bespoken a show on what she calls ‘Emotional Alchemy.’ The experience of Edward Stafford’s life carried with it all the emotions I describe in the book, here is the alchemy which caused me to ask questions about reincarnation, Spirit and Reality and caused me to find such answers as I give here, and on that site which I have so named. Actually I will go yet still a little further. What do you think has given, still gives, those pan-reality objects their power and transcendence? It is the emotional force which has been invested in them, it is the power of wonder and feeling which makes them part of any reality they touch. Reading the words of these ideas is such a dry activity. It is experiencing the feelings in Edward which will empower understanding of them and give the alchemy to take you to the mastery I would wish you to have. At the end there is just one word, which all humanity has been struggling for throughout history; it is just one word but I leave you to discover it. Mike Voyce |