The story of Edward Stafford, future duke of Buckingham:
From the National Portrait Gallery
insistence of Henry VIII, the chevrons are for Stafford.
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click below PaperBack Edition at £9.90 including postage for U.K. delivery Or buy from any of these stores The Book Depository Smashwords - for all Eformats Including the Interactive Edition On this site you find the facts, on this link you can hear the emotions of the author |
Powerful, relevant, strange and true; the Personal story of Edward Stafford, a prince, investigated by a modern lawyer. This is a true story, dramatized as a novel. It has all a novel’s ingredients: love, conflict and danger – but it also has profound truths about history and existence. What about the Holy Grail, the Sword, and the Druid Glass that Edward called his ‘Marbles’? Are these delusions or are they real? If they’re real then Eternity exists, with higher dimensions mentioned in this book. It means the past and the future are real too; there's more than just the constantly moving ‘Now’ in which our perceptions are so locked up. What about the correspondences: between Eadie and Sarah, Alianore and Frances, Abigail and Debbie, andothers? Was the retired cannon of the Church of England,whose words are recorded in Edward, right or are these delusions? If they're real then reincarnation is a fact and each of ushave shared past lives, higher bonds, even higher purposes, of which most of us are completely unaware. In short, Edward reveals secrets of History, as well as secrets of the Universe: Here you will find: What Lady Margaret Beaufort and her son, Henry VII, were really like, The illegitimacy of Henry Tudor’s claim to the throne, the background of the Tudors and the history of the Plantagenets, The truth about Richard III and the Buckingham Rebellion, There is also Tudor embezzlement and killing. But this is a novel about regression in meditation, regression, that is, into a very special past life, with special dangers and priceless benefits: Here also you will find: The deepest study of Reincarnation ever made into one particulat past life. There is the Holy Grail and Sir Thomas Malory's book, 'Le Morte D'Arthur', even Avalon and Joseph of Arimathea;and then there is the constant presence of Druid Glass, together with Pliny's description. As for the Sword, Malory wrote about it, or something very like it, here it is explained. The tools used are channelling and meditation. They reveal Spirit Guides and a board of judgement. The author even explains higher dimensions to his young daughter. Edward is an introduction to the mind, and here are the working tools which will help you understand the nature of Reality. There are more working tools at: Mike Voyce - on Reincarnation, Spirit and Reality |
There is now a network to carry you into the inner workings of History, Reality and Human nature.
There are two novels, one long, one short, both deal with historic truth; one truth is extensive but little known, the other truth is short and at times famous, but hitherto unexplained.
The electronic versions of both books carry an intense richness of hyperlinks. They stand for themselves, but the links can take you to an undreamt of wealth of information and insights.
You can read about these and watch videos at Smashwords; you can also read about the author. From Smashwords one whole book is Free while a part of the other is also Free; the free part of The Necromancer tells you a good deal more about the Princes in the Tower and Richard III than you are likely to learn elsewhere, but it is Parts II & III which deal with alteration and change to History and the World we live in; these are ‘must have’ parts but for them you have to pay a small fee.
‘Edward, the novel’ is supported by the website edwardstafford, which contains a great deal more information, music, links and video clips.
‘The Necromancer’ is supported by a site of that name, It also has much more information, links and video clips.
Both books deal with events in the last quarter of the 15thcentury. They are separate but connected. Both books deal with the falsification of History and the making of our World.
There is also a website on Reincarnation, Spirit and Reality which supports the Internet radio show, Reincarnation, the Secrets of Past Lives. It has over a year of archives of that show together with a great deal more on the subjects of reincarnation and the survival of death, together with the nature of Reality. As usual, there are links and video clips. If you want to study metaphysics there is information and there are links for this too.
The Blogtalkradio show grew out of the spiritual work of Mike Voyce, Christine Voyce and Diane Morgan. All three contributors remain active and Mike Voyce currently teaches some of the techniques used in uncovering the stories in Edward and The Necromancer on a regular basis.
The materials in this network feed into each other. You can start with the books, but you could start anywhere. As you go further it can change your understanding, you can gain insights, who knows if you will be able to defeat a High, Black magician and prelate of the late Middle Ages Church, as in Part III of The Necromancer.
There are two novels, one long, one short, both deal with historic truth; one truth is extensive but little known, the other truth is short and at times famous, but hitherto unexplained.
The electronic versions of both books carry an intense richness of hyperlinks. They stand for themselves, but the links can take you to an undreamt of wealth of information and insights.
You can read about these and watch videos at Smashwords; you can also read about the author. From Smashwords one whole book is Free while a part of the other is also Free; the free part of The Necromancer tells you a good deal more about the Princes in the Tower and Richard III than you are likely to learn elsewhere, but it is Parts II & III which deal with alteration and change to History and the World we live in; these are ‘must have’ parts but for them you have to pay a small fee.
‘Edward, the novel’ is supported by the website edwardstafford, which contains a great deal more information, music, links and video clips.
‘The Necromancer’ is supported by a site of that name, It also has much more information, links and video clips.
Both books deal with events in the last quarter of the 15thcentury. They are separate but connected. Both books deal with the falsification of History and the making of our World.
There is also a website on Reincarnation, Spirit and Reality which supports the Internet radio show, Reincarnation, the Secrets of Past Lives. It has over a year of archives of that show together with a great deal more on the subjects of reincarnation and the survival of death, together with the nature of Reality. As usual, there are links and video clips. If you want to study metaphysics there is information and there are links for this too.
The Blogtalkradio show grew out of the spiritual work of Mike Voyce, Christine Voyce and Diane Morgan. All three contributors remain active and Mike Voyce currently teaches some of the techniques used in uncovering the stories in Edward and The Necromancer on a regular basis.
The materials in this network feed into each other. You can start with the books, but you could start anywhere. As you go further it can change your understanding, you can gain insights, who knows if you will be able to defeat a High, Black magician and prelate of the late Middle Ages Church, as in Part III of The Necromancer.