Your comments are welcome. And please also contribute to the 'Anything to do with Edward' page of this site, you can even add comments on reincarnation and higher dimensions. “Edward” is not for academic peer review, overly technical academic argument will not be posted. The site manager will delete derogatory or defamatory comments on any subject and may delete and/or not post any comment at his absolute discretion. To Comment: Post your genuine email address at the prompt (we may want to reply to you but will not use your address for any other purpose) – it couldn't be simpler Here are comments from visitors:
"I'm not one for historical fiction. However, the way you deliver it kept me interested. Good job." Irene Gowins-Sowells "Edward was written with an artful hand and a fine mind for balance in storytelling. Though I have never had any high regard for royalty, your book brought them into my confidence as people one would meet anywhere. They experience the same choices many people must make in their lives between duty, responsibility, and seeking the joys of happiness. Having sent you a pdf. copy of ‘Future of God Amen,’ you may have found that, like you, I am interested in revealing the "truth." I have put together a 2-3 page review of Edward… on Gather for others to hopefully stimulate their interest. My best wishes for Edward's success," Nicholas P. Ginex B.B.C. Radio Interviews
Published Reviews
My favourites - reviews of Edward - Interactive Melinda Le Baron "Mike Voyce is a brave man for writing this book - and what a book it is! This is like nothing I've read before. Harnessing the power of the Internet the book is peppered with links that directly apply to the matter at hand, video from the author giving further perspective and period music to set the tone. It is both the story of Mike Voyce and Edward de Stafford who should have been rightfully King of England. Mike starts by having a vision of Edward's death by beheading when he was a child. He is now much later an adult of settled years as another vision takes him. He figures out who these visions are about, and through meditation continues channeling the spirit of Edward starting with the rebellion and beheading of Edward's father, Henry. As Edward runs for his life as a boy of only 7, his life is passionately told by Mike through this book. The parallels to his own life he draws as well and are hard to miss. This book is so compelling,not only because of the story of Edward, but the story of Mike as well. His experiences which he lays bare for all and sundry are so amazing for you see he's a lawyer, and doubts himself virtually every step of the way. Does he have a great destiny? My feeling is absolutely. - if only he'll take it. Look to for more information. This book is highly recommended for anyone with an open mind." Diane Morgan, also editor of 'Footnotes' "You will enjoy the depth of information and historical fact you will find woven into this amazing, well written book by Mike Voyce. It is open, honest and written in a language that is easy to follow and it will draw you into the storyline as though you were actually there playing a part as the story unfolds. You need have no belief in Reincarnation or Hynotherapy to enjoy 'Edward' but I guarantee that it will make you question your belief system if you do not already believe. All you have to do to travel between the present and the past is to open up your copy of 'Edward' and take part in the journey. A thoroughly good read!!!!" Ramblings by Rebecka "Mike Voyce spins a wonderful tale while setting the record straight. Kudos for the novel way in which he approached the writing... This is a story that will stay with me for a long time. If you are looking for a book that will make you think, make you question history, this is the one you want. Edward was a tragic hero. This book is filled with love, intrigue, lies, and deceit. The layers of lies and deceit changed the course of a nation. Thank you, Mike for trying to set things right." Lady Rebecka Vigus Historical Novel Reviews "...I was hooked and enjoyed it thoroughly. Mike Voyce can write a story rather well and his story is well worth the effort it took him to get it written and published. If you enjoy historical fiction, you’ll like this book, and if you are in any way curious about reincarnation and channelling then again, this a book for you." Anne Whitfield “Edward explores an exceptional paradigm, steeped in History and Mysticism..." Bobbie Crawford-McCoy Nurture Your Books TM Smashwords Melinda Le Baron and Diane Morgan see above, also Nicholas Ginex, auther of 'Future of God Amen'. |